A modelo holandesa Imre Çeçen tem quase 300 mil seguidores em sua página no Instagram e milhares de likes em sua fotos compartilhadas na rede social. Um dos fatores que contribuem para isso é o corpo que tem, um verdadeiro sonho para muitas mulheres. Outro motivo para o sucesso é que ela não deixa de mostrar a verdade de seu corpo.

Leia também: Americana faz relato inspirador sobre amar seu corpo após sofrer bullying

Má postura e má iluminação podem mostrar uma verdade do seu corpo que nem mesmo existe, como mostra a modelo
Má postura e má iluminação podem mostrar uma verdade do seu corpo que nem mesmo existe, como mostra a modelo

Entre um vídeo de treino e uma foto sorrindo na praia, ela também mostra que tudo não passa de uma questão de atitude e, principalmente, postura e iluminação. As fotos com a verdade por trás do Instagram são até mesmo as mais curtidas em sua página.

Em fevereiro deste ano, começou a compartilhar fotos de incríveis transformações de apenas segundos, ou como ela gosta de chamar: “vida real versus foto posada”. Na primeira imagem que divulgou, de um lado ela aprece com o corpo reto, má postura, uma barriga mais inchada e um rosto triste. Na outra, com as pernas mais abertas, o quadril jogado de lado, a barriga trincada, peito para fora e um sorrisão. As duas imagens mostram a mesma mulher, no mesmo minuto, mas com uma atitude completamente oposta. Veja o post completo: 

⏳Only 30 seconds in between those pictures⌛️ I really doubted whether this should be called a "30 second transformation" or a "real life / posed pic". But if you ever run into me I will NOT look like EITHER of them!🤔😮 Today I wanna talk to you about posture💁🏻 Cause yes that right picture is definitely one of my favourite poses cause it enhances some features of MY body. But taking that left pic I was posing too😅 . . Look at my feet pushed together, my arm awkwardly hanging close to my body which takes away the shape of my upperbody🙇🏻‍♀️ My shoulders are completely rounded which "closes" my chest. I seriously had issues looking up whilst taking this picture cause my posture caused my head to face the floor😔. . Now compare this to the right one. I never thought I'd ever say this on insta but LOOK AT MY TITTIES😅😂 In the right pic my chest is open which makes my entire upperbody look better and also makes it possible to look up😌. . STOP FEELING BAD ABOUT YOURSELF BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU SEE ON SOCIAL MEDIA!! In real life my body looks somewhere inbetween those two pictures💃🏻 But what I really wanted to say; I get tons of DM's and emails from girls telling me how terrible they look. Sometimes they even send me pictures and guess what? They are always posing like the pic on the left. Listen to me; you are BEAUTIFUL no matter what!! I'm not only looking awkward in that pose too, I also felt super uncomfortable. The rounded shoulders and closed posture whisper; I'd rather not be in this pic🙈 Where the right pic screams confidence🙆🏻💁🏻 . . When I take pics I instantly stand in a way which makes me feel pretty af👑 When I go shooting in public places and the same group of boys passes me for the 5th time I feel incredibly uncomfortable and guess what; it shows in the pic! My entire posture changes when I feel awkward. So if you walk to your mirror thinking; I look terrible, it's gonna show in your posture!! You're gonna see that insecure girl and feel even worse😔 STOP THAT!! I'm asking you to go to your mirror feeling badass, tell yourself how beautiful you are and take selfies like a queen👑 it doesn't matter what your body looks like, Just OWN IT! ❤ #weareallbeautiful

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

Em outra foto que desvenda os segredos por trás das imagens das redes sociais, Imre mostra como a iluminação pode transformar tudo. Se na imagem do lado esquerdo ela aparece com uma barriga menos definida, a do lado direito está super trincada. “Hoje em dia, as influenciadoras  acabam se esquecendo que, quando você só posta fotos como a do lado direito, seus seguidores podem imaginar que você é desse jeito 24 horas por dia, sete dias da semana. Não somos."

Você viu?

Insta models be like; only gonna post pictures with lighting that shows my abs💁🏻🙄 Todays "influencers" often seem to forget that when you only post pictures like the right one your followers may think you look like that 24/7. #wedont✨ ✨ I don't want anyone looking in the mirror feeling bad because of me. And yes I know lots of you probably won't look like this even with "good" ab lighting. Not everyone has visible abs and that's totally okay! Every single body is beautiful in its own way!!❤ I still think it's important to know even us "insta models" don't look like that all the time👻 This left pic was taken whilst using a strong artificial light which takes alway all shades💡 The right pic is only natural light which leaves the shades of my abs🌞I'm flexing in both pics! ✨ I really want you to understand the power of lighting! I see tons of big fitness accounts and bloggers sharing transformation pictures but with different lighting and it kinda bothers me😶 Yes if you've lost 20 pounds we're gonna notice. But if you just lost a little bit and got toned you should use the same lighting for both pictures!!! ✨ Imagine if I'd put on different clothes in each picture and stood a bit differently. I could have just pretended this was a transformation picture and it would probably get tons of likes🤦🏻‍♀️ People would ask me my "secret", what I eat and how I train🏋🏻‍♀️ Guess what every fitness accounts secret is? LIGHTING!! 💡 ✨ I'm not saying that transformation pics with different lighting aren't real. It's just that usually the transformation isn't as big as the lighting makes it seem. Don't beat yourself up cause you see people all over the internet who claim to have made huge transformations in a short amount of time🙅🏻 ✨ Transforming your body, mindset and lifestyle takes time and hard work⏳ Changing your body by using different lighting takes only seconds💁🏻 Stop focussing on others and stop comparing! Start focussing on yourself and start loving yourself! You don't need abs, a thigh gap or a big booty to be beautiful🙅🏻 You just need to be you!!🤗💕 ✨ Ps. Who's gonna stand in front of their mirror later today testing all sorts of lighting??😅

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

Orgulho do próprio corpo

A modelo também mostra que aceita seu corpo como ele é. Em uma foto postada na segunda-feira (19), ela aparece com a coxa cheia de celulites. “Meu primeiro pensamento em relação a essa foto foi ‘APAGUE!’. Posso ser honesta com vocês? Meu corpo tem mudado muito nos últimos meses e está sendo muito difícil para mim”, escreveu a jovem, que precisou ficar em repouso e se afastar dos exercícios por conta de um problema de saúde.

My first thought on this pic was "DELETE IT!"😓 Can I be honest with you guys? My body has changed a lot in the past months and it has been real hard on me💔 . Not because I look "bad" or "ugly"🙅🏻 Due to my illness I was forced upon bedrest for months and there was not much I could do. This has made me feel so powerless. I had to watch how all that muscle & strength I worked for faded away 👋🏼 . Wait a second🙋🏻 This is MY BODY! I was 11 when I got sick and through the years I've had literally hundreds of hospital visits🏥 My body had to endure countless examinations and try outs of medication💊 Never ever did my body give up on me🙅🏻 . My body isn't my enemy🙅🏻 It's my closest friend and every single day we still fight that battle for my health👊🏼 The past 6 months have been so though yet it made me realise more than ever that my body isn't here to look "perfect". My body is here to keep me alive, to fight off all illnesses👻 . Sadly my body doesn't work the way it should (yet!). How about your body? I receive so many messages from girls and women going on about their looks, cellulite, about not feeling like going to the gym etc. And yes I know these are real issues and should be taken seriously. Just take 1 minute to think about this; if your body is functioning the way it should be you're hella lucky!🍀 . Stop taking your body & health for granted! Your body isn't just a thing to impress others🙅🏻 Your body is here so you can live your life. Your body is your friend!💕 . When I look at this picture I see a woman who's fighting! Fighting for both herself & her body. My body tells a story and so does yours. Maybe you've gained some weight on holiday. So what? You had fun right? Maybe you've gone through a difficult period, get back up and go get it!👊🏼 . Don't let life take over🙅🏻 Make sure that you are the one who's in control! You are beautiful no matter what! As soon as you see it yourself you'll shine brighter than ever before! ✨ . In a few hours I'll be walking a show in underwear. My body has weakened, my body looks different. Guess what? I'm still proud! (Also terrified😂) I'm gonna go get it! Now it's your turn!👊🏼💕 #imreswarriors

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

“Mas espere um segundo. Este é o MEU CORPO! Eu tinha 11 anos quando fiquei doente e, ao longo dos anos, precisei ir para o hospital centenas de vezes. Meu corpo teve de suportar inúmeros exames e medicamentos, mas nunca desistiu de mim. Meu corpo não é meu inimigo, é meu amigo mais próximo e todos os dias lutamos juntos pela minha saúde.”

Imre afirma que não devemos lutar contra nosso próprio corpo, mas, sim, tratá-lo como nosso amigo. “Talvez você tenha ganhado algum peso no feriado. E daí? Você se divertiu, certo?”, completou a modelo. Em apenas seis horas, ela recebeu mais de 40,2 mil likes.

Apesar dessa consciência, Imre gosta, sim, de seguir uma vida ativa e manter seu corpo malhado. Ainda assim, ela mostra que não é escrava de um padrão de beleza e que não há verdade absoluta em fotos postadas em redes sociais. Tudo é uma questão de luz, pose e atitude. 

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